Thursday, August 4, 2011

This Wicked World

Richard Lange’s debut novel is character driven literary crime novel influenced by Elmore Leonard and George Pelecanos. Like those two masters’ originality and complexity of plot isn’t the name of the game, its characters. Stretching out to handle a novel Lange looses some of the focus of his short stories but retains his grasp on L.A. and its surreal surroundings and his subtle sense of humor. Some descriptions and in some character’s background his imagination really unfurls. The pit bull breeder’s war story, Mando’s ghost story, Robo’s camping preparations, and apocalyptic finale are especially memorable. So if you want a beautifully written novel go for this, which it’s true doesn’t bring anything new to the game but will still burn into your imagination. Plus it starts with Minuteman quote (the awesome San Pedro punk band not those desert patrolling losers) which is a cheap way to my heart.

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